Helping consumers to compare financial products


Australia's largest comparison site with 2.2 million visitors each month. Finder is a free service that allows its users to compare products and services across over one hundred different categories, from broadband to business loans; credit cards to cruises; and health insurance to headphones.

I helped to improve the user-experience and increase conversion across both web and mobile sites for their insurance, credit card and home loan products. The product had not been updated for some time and the UI was not consistent across mobile and web.

My contribution

User research Product design

The team




I was tasked with leading the research and design to increase conversion across each of these of pages. I used Finders existing design system to create multiple concepts for each of these pages which was then tested with users to get a gauge on what imagery, language resonated best, as well as testing the usability of each design.

After testing, I made iterations to the design based on the feedback we received to design a consistent experience across each page.
This also helped to evolve Finders design system that would eventually help to shape the experience for the other categories they offered on their site.


I worked continuously with Finder for 3 months and was involved in driving other design initiatives, user testing, and business-as-usual roadmap improvements across their site, helping to create re-usable templates and increase conversion of click throughs to their comparison products.